Josiah Connor – Origins: Count the Stars

Good evening, church. How are we doing this evening? Who’s excited to be in church? Who needs somebody else to be excited for them? Regardless of what brought you here, we are glad to be with you. It’s also nice to be with you people who are seeking the higher things and not concerning themselves with the lesser things like football and it’s only a game when you move, it’s only a game. We have a place for everyone, even Hawthorne supporters. They have a place; it’s called outside. And you guys, it’s so nice to have you all here. And it’s great.
This week, actually, we’re launching a new series at CityLife. Some of you might remember – who remembers our Origins series last year? We went through the Book of Genesis the first 12 chapters and just had a look at the start of the Bible and the stories and how they actually speak to us. I’m excited this week to be launching a series that’s going to go across September that’s going to look at the rest of the Book of Genesis and some of these character’s lives who have led such incredible stories, who have such an incredible example for us all. We’re going to look at Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph. And I trust that as we look at these characters that they’re more than just stories. They’re not just nice little things for us to highlight.

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Mark Conner – Home: Contribution

Some of you may have heard of a man by the name of Ole Kirk Christianson. Ole Kirk Christianson lived in Denmark in the 1920s. He was a carpenter; he had a small carpentry shop where he would make various wooden products. Life got pretty difficult around 1932 for Ole Kirk Christianson. His wife passed away very suddenly, leaving him as a widower with four sons to raise. Not only that, the Great Depression hits and so his wooden products weren’t selling very well and business was really tough.

So he started to launch into making wooden toys. He started making wooden yoyos and wooden animals and wooden vehicles. Business went pretty well. Even during the Great Depression, children would buy toys for their kids. Fast forward about a decade and around 1942 another tragedy hit Ole Kirk Christianson’s life. His factory burnt to the ground. He had to lay off a bunch of his employees and business was very, very tough. In fact, as the years went on, WWII came and wood was very expensive and so everything was so difficult in his small carpentry business.

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Dan Lian – Love

Good afternoon. 12:01. It is such a joy to be with you here at the am 2 service at Knox, the best service over our weekend, my favorite service. I haven’t been seeing it everywhere I’ve been this weekend. You can play the tape. In all seriousness it’s such a joy to be here at home. Being away is a joy but there’s no place like home.

And if you call CityLife church home, I’m here to remind you that you’re part of the greatest church on planet Earth because it’s our church. And if you are visiting here today, thank you so much for taking the time to come hang out with us. My name is Dan Lian. And on my business card, it says gospel ninja. I get the chance to wander around and talk about Jesus for a living. But this is my home church. I love this church. It’s changed my life. I hope and pray that you find a church home that will suit you as well.

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Joel Osteen – Become a Miracle

God bless you. It’s always a joy to come into your homes and, if you’re ever in our area, please stop by and be a part of one of our services. I promise you we’ll make you feel right at home. Thanks for tuning in today, and thank-you again for coming out today. I’d like to start with something funny. I heard about this minster who was walking down the street when he came upon this group of young boys that were surrounding a small dog. He asked them what they were doing. They explained they were having a contest and whoever could tell the biggest lie would get to keep the dog. The minister launched into a 10-minute sermon, starting with don’t you know that lying is a sin and ending with when I was your age I never told a lie. There was complete silence and just when he thought he had gotten through to them, and then the youngest spoke up and said, all right give him the dog.

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Joel Osteen – Say So

Victoria and I want to tell you how much we love you. We’re praying for you. We believe 2014 is going to be your best year so far. It’s going to be the year you see the abundance rain. I hope you’ll get that down in your spirit. Any area of drought in your life, this is the year God wants to bring it to an end. Listen, I know that God is pleased with you right now for taking time to listen to His word, to better yourself and to learn more about him. Know that He is smiling down on you right now. He’s got great things in store.

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Joel Osteen – It’s Already Yours

Well, God bless you. Always a joy to come into your homes and, if you’re ever in our area, please stop by and be a part of one of our services. I promise you we’ll make you feel right at home. Thanks so much for tuning in and thank-you again for coming out today. I’d like to start with something funny and please don’t be offended, they’re just jokes. I heard about these 3 people: a Russian, an American and a Blonde. They were talking together. The Russian said proudly; we were the first ones in space. The American said well we were the first ones on the moon. The Blonde said, that’s nothing, we’re going to be the first ones on the sun. The American and the Russian laughed, and they said, what are you talking about? You can’t go to the sun. It’s too hot. You would burn up. The Blonde said no, we’re not that dumb. We’re going to go at night.

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Joel Osteen – You Are Anointed

Victoria and I want to tell you how much we love you. We’re praying for you. We believe that 2014 is going to be your best year so far. It’s going to be the year you see the abundance rain. I hope you’ll get that down in your spirit. Any area of drought in your life, this is the year God wants to bring it to an end. Listen, I know that God is pleased with you right now for taking time to listen to His word, to better yourself and to learn more about him. Know that He is smiling down on you right now. He’s got great things in store.

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Joel Osteen – Nothing is Wasted

Let’s give our TV audience a great big Lakewood welcome. God bless you. Always a joy to come into your homes and if you’re ever in our area,please stop by and be a part of one of our services. I promise you we’ll make you feel right at home. Thanks so much for tuning in. Thank-you so much for coming out. I’d like to start with something funny. I heard about this pastor. He was up in a pulpit preaching away one Sunday morning when he noticed a man asleep on the front row. He was offended. He started preaching louder and harder to try and wake him up, but it seemed like the louder he got, the sounder the man slept. Finally, frustrated, he stopped his whole message and said to the man sitting next to him, “Would you please wake that man up?” The man said, “Wake him up yourself. You put him to sleep.”

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