Peace With Yourself – Joel Osteen

God bless you. It’s a joy to come into your homes. And if you’re ever in our area, please stop by. Be a part of one of our services. I promise you, we’ll make you feel right at home. I like to start with something funny, and I heard about this senior citizen. He was driving down the freeway in his brand-new Corvette, with the top down, going 80 miles an hour, when he saw flashing red lights from a state trooper in his rearview mirror. Without thinking about it, he floored it, took off to a hundred miles an hour. He heard the sirens behind him. He finally pulled over and said, “Officer, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking.” The state trooper said, “Listen. It’s Friday, 4:00. My shift is over in 30 minutes. If you tell me a reason why you’re speeding that I’ve never heard before, then I’ll let you go.” The man thought about it and said, “Officer, years ago, my wife ran off with a state trooper, and I thought you were bringing her back.” The officer said, “Have a great weekend.”

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