Joel Osteen – Say So

Victoria and I want to tell you how much we love you. We’re praying for you. We believe 2014 is going to be your best year so far. It’s going to be the year you see the abundance rain. I hope you’ll get that down in your spirit. Any area of drought in your life, this is the year God wants to bring it to an end. Listen, I know that God is pleased with you right now for taking time to listen to His word, to better yourself and to learn more about him. Know that He is smiling down on you right now. He’s got great things in store.

We pray for you every day. Thanks so much for your prayer and support. We’re going to continue to believe you’re going to see the exceeding greatness of God’s power in 2014.

(Victoria Osteen)

Yes, he is a great God. And you know when you put The Word in you, you store up strength for yourself. I don’t know what you’re facing today. Maybe everything is going great. But, when you put The Word in you, God’s word will come out of you.

You will know how to handle every situation. You’ll be strong and face every challenge. God’s word never disappoints. We are so glad that you are watching and listening today. We hope that you enjoy this program.


Joel and Victoria would like to send you a copy of Joel’s new series “Now Faith” as a thank you for your support of our ministry. In this encouraging, three-message series, Joel helps you develop a mindset of faith and expectation. It’s great to have faith for tomorrow, but God wants you to have faith for what you’re facing right now.

You have been given a measure of faith, but it’s up to you to put it into action.


It’s good to have faith for the future, but God wants to do something great in your life right now. Are you expecting good breaks today? There has to be an expectancy that something good is going to happen. Not next week, not next month, but today, is your day.


When you have this Now Faith, you’ll see God do amazing things. I hope you’ll request this resource. I know it will be a great help to you.


To request your copy of “Now Faith,” visit us at or call 888-567-JOEL today.

(Music plays line: “Discover the champion in you”)

(Audience clapping)


God bless you. Always a joy to come into your homes and, if you’re ever in our area, please stop by and be a part of one of our services. These are the finest people in Houston, Texas, right here in Lakewood. We’d love to have you.

Thanks for tuning in today, and thanks again for coming out.

I’d like to start with something funny. I heard about this new police recruit. He was taking his final exam. He was in a large classroom. The sergeant asked him, what would you do if you had to arrest your own mother-in-law? Without missing a beat, he said, call for backup.

(Audience laughing)


Say it like you mean it. This is my Bible. I am what it says I am. I have what it says I have. I can do what it says I can do. Today, I will be taught the word of God. I boldly confess; my mind is alert, my heart is receptive, I will never be the same. In Jesus’ name, God bless you.

I want to talk to you today about Say So.

Words have creative power. When you speak something out, you give life to what you’re saying. It’s one thing to believe that you’re blessed – that’s important- but when you say I am blessed, it takes on a whole new meaning. That’s when blessings come looking for you.

The scripture says let the redeemed of the Lord say so. It doesn’t say, let the redeemed think so, or believe so, or hope so. That’s all good, but you have to take it one step further and say so. If you’re going to go to the next level, you’ve got to say so. If you’re going to accomplish a dream, overcome an obstacle, break an addiction, you’ve got to start declaring it. It has to come out of your mouth. That’s how you give life to your faith.

When God created the worlds, he didn’t just think them into being. He didn’t just think there would be light and land and oceans and animals. He had it in his heart, but nothing happened until He spoke. He said, let there be light, and light came. His thoughts didn’t set it into motion; his words set it into motion.

It’s the same principle today. You can believe all day long and not see anything happen. You can have faith in your heart, have big dreams, be standing in God’s promises, and never see anything change. What’s the problem? Nothing happens until you speak. Instead of just thinking you’re going to get out of debt, you’ve got to say so.

Declare every day, I’m coming out of debt. I’m the head and not the tail. God’s favor surrounds me like a shield. When you speak, just like God spoke, things begin to happen. Opportunities will find you. Good breaks, promotion, ideas will track you down. Instead of just thinking, I hope I get over this illness, Joel, I’m praying I’ll get better, that’s good but you’ve got to take it one step further and start declaring it.

I’m strong. I’m healthy. I will live and not die. With long life, God is going to satisfy me. That’s what activates your faith. Instead of just hoping you have a good year, instead of just hoping you accomplish your dreams, hope is good, but nothing happens until you speak.

Before you leave the house every day, declare it. 2013 is my year. Things have shifted in my favor. God is about to show me something that I’ve never seen. When you talk like that, the angels go to work. Opening up new doors, lining up the right people, arranging things in your favor.

And all of us are hoping, believing, praying about something. My question for you today is, are you giving life to your faith by speaking it out?

Psalm 91 saysI will say of the Lord, He is my refuge, my fortress, my shield. The next verse says, He will deliver me, protect me, cover me.

Notice the connection: I will say, and He will do. It doesn’t say I believe He’s my refuge or I believe He will be my strength. Now, the Psalm went around declaring it, speaking it out. The Lord is my refuge. The Lord is my strength.

Notice what happened. God became his refuge, his strength. God was saying, in effect, if you’re bold enough to speak it then I’m bold enough to do it. Have you ever declared that your dreams are coming to pass? Have you ever said, I will pay off my house,I will start my own business, I will get my degree, I will lose this weight, I will see my family restored? Whatever God’s put in your heart, it needs to get in your conversation.

Talk like it’s going to happen. Talk like it’s already on the way. When I get married, when I graduate from college, when I see my family restored. Not if it’s going to happen but when it’s going to happen. That’s your faith being released.

One of our staff members had been trying for a long, long time to have a baby. Over 10 years. No success. One day we were in a staff meeting, planning out the next year. She made the statement, when I have my baby I’m going to be out for a couple of months; we’ll have to find somebody to fill in. Well, I thought she was pregnant, and nobody had told me, so I didn’t act surprised or say anything.

After the meeting my sister Lisa, who was in there as well, I said, Lisa, why didn’t you tell me she was pregnant? She said Joel she’s not pregnant, she just talks like it’s going to happen. This went on for years, when I have my baby, when I get pregnant, when my child shows up. What was she doing? Saying so. She didn’t just believe it; she was declaring it. In the natural, she was getting too old to have a baby. Her doctors told her it wasn’t going to happen; it looked impossible.

Most people would have given up and accepted it, but not this lady. She kept saying so, declaring it, when my baby shows up. Do you know, 20 years later, she gave birth to not one baby but to two, she had twins.

(Audience clapping)

She declared of the Lord and God did what He promised.

But, think about the opposite of Psalm 91. I will not say of the Lord, and He will not do. That’s the principle nothing happens until you speak.

When we were trying to acquire this facility,Victoria and I would drive around it and say, this is our building. Father, thank-you for fighting our battles. Lord, thank-you for you making a way when we don’t see a way.

We didn’t just think about it, pray about, believe that it would happen – and that’s all important – but we took one more step and declared that it was ours. It became a part of our everyday conversation. When we get the compact center, we can do this. When we renovate.When we move in.When we have the grand opening.

Not, I don’t know Victoria. It’s going to be very expensive; where are we going to get the funds? I don’t know, the opponents, they’re really, really strong. No, we said of the Lord like the Solace, God we know you’re bigger than any obstacle. We know you’re supplying all of our needs. Lord, we know if you be for us, who be against us? We declared it, and God did it.

What are you saying of the Lord? Joel, my problems, are really big. My dreams look impossible. My marriage is so messed up, we’ll never be restored. No, don’t talk about how big your problem is. Talk about how big your God is.

When you say of the Lord, you’re my healer, my way maker, my dream maker, my restorer, my vindicator, my health, my peace, my victory, that’s when God will show up and do more than you can ask or think.

I have some friends that were believing to have another child. They have a daughter, but they were really wanting to have a son. Every time the wife got pregnant, she had a miscarriage. This happened 5 times in 9 years. They were very discouraged, tempted to give up. The man’s name is Joe.

He’d gone by Joe his whole life. But one day he read his full name Joseph means “God will add.” When he saw that, something came alive on the inside. He knew God was saying, I’m going to add to you a son. He remembered the part in the Scripture when God changed Abram’s name to Abraham, which means “Father of many nations.” God gave Abraham a child, a son, at a very old age when it looked impossible. Joe decided to go back to using his original name. He told his friends, his family, his coworkers, don’t call me Joe anymore, call me Joseph.

They thought he was having a midlife crisis. But everytime someone said “Hello Joseph” they were saying “God will add.” They were speaking victory over his life. He kept saying so, declaring it. About 6 months later, his wife became pregnant with a baby boy, for the first time in 10 years. She carried him full-term; the baby was born healthy and whole. As the testimony to God’s goodness, they named that little body Joseph, God will add.

(Audience clapping)

Let me ask you, are you declaring victory over your life? Over your family? Over your career? Nothing happens until you speak. When you get up in the morning, you need to make some declarations of faith. Whatever God’s put in your heart declare that it will come to pass.

I sayeveryday, I am increasing in the anointing, in wisdom, in favor, and in influence. Every message is getting better. God is taking our ministry where no ministry has ever gone. You’ve got to speak favor into your future. I declare every day, my children will fulfill their destinies. Their gifts and talents will come out to the full. They will supersede anything that we’ve done.

Ever since I took over for my father, I’ve said when people turn me on, on television, they cannot turn me off.

(Audience laughing)

(Audience clapping)

Do you know how many letters I get from people who say, Joel, I was flipping through the channels, I don’t like TV preachers, I don’t watch TV preachers, but when I turned you on, I couldn’t turn you off.

(Audience laughing)

(Audience clapping)

I think to myself, I called you in. I said so.

One man wrote in how his wife was trying to get him to watch the show for many, many years, but he wouldn’t do it. One day he was flipping through the channels. He came across our program. Normally he would flip by very quickly but for some reason this day his remote control stopped working, and he got stuck on our program.

He was so frustrated. He finagled with it. He ended up changing the batteries; it still wouldn’t work. He said Joel even though I tried to act like I wasn’t listening, you were speaking directly to me. The funny thing is, when the program was over, the remote control went back to working just fine.

(Audience laughing)

He said now I never miss one of your programs. When you declare favor over your life, over your future, God will make things happen that never should have happened. Our attitudes shifted to be I’m coming out of debt, and I’m saying so. 2013 is my year, and I’m saying so.

(Audience clapping)

I will overcome every obstacle, and I’m saying so.

When I first started ministering, I was very nervous and very intimidated. I knew I was supposed to step up and pastor the church, but I’m naturally more quiet and reserved. I didn’t know if I could get up here really and get up and minister in front of people. During the week, negative thoughts would bombard my mind. I would go and talk in front of a mirror and talk to myself. I would say, Joel you are strong, you are well able, you have what it takes, you are anointed, you are talented, you can do this.

At that time, nothing that I was saying was true. I was not strong, or competent. I did not feel talented, anointed, well,able. But as I kept saying it, day after day, month after month, things started to change. I started to become what I was saying. Over time, it became a reality.

Here’s the key: What you are saying, you are moving toward. You lmay be struggling in your finances, but when you keep declaring, I’m blessed, I’m prosperous, I have the favor of God, every time you say it you’re moving toward increase.You’re getting closer to seeing that pass.

You may be facing a sickness. It doesn’t look good. But every time you declare, I’m healthy, I’m strong, I’m getting better, you’re moving toward health, wholeness, victory. Or perhaps you’re struggling with an addiction. Every time you declare, I am free, this addiction does not control me, you’re moving toward freedom. You’re moving toward breakthroughs.

Now, here’s the catch. This works in the positive and in the negative. If you’re always saying I’m so unlucky, I never get any good breaks, you’re moving toward more bad breaks, more disappointment. Joel, my back’s been hurting for over 3 years, I don’t think I’ll ever get well. You’re moving toward more sickness, more pain.

Or, I’ve been through so much. I don’t think I’ll ever be happy again. Moving toward more discouragement, more sadness.

If you will change what you’re saying, you will change what you’re seeing.

The Scripture says, call the things that are not as if they already were.

A lot of times, we do just the opposite. We call the things that are as if they will always be that way. In other words, we just describe the situation. Man, gas is so high I don’t think I’ll ever make it. You’re calling in more struggle. I can’t stand my job, my boss gets on my nerves; you’re calling in more frustration, more defeat.

Don’t use your words to describe the situation. Use your words to change the situation.

If I would have just complained about how nervous and intimidated I was, if I would have gone around saying you know I can’t do this, I’m afraid, I don’t have what it takes if I would have described the situation I wouldn’t be standing here today.

If you want to see what you’re going to be like 5 years from now, listen to what you’re saying about yourself. You are prophesying your future. 5 Years from now, my messages are going to be better than they are right now. And don’t you say, thank God.

(Audience laughing)

(Audience clapping)

5 Years from now, I’m going to be stronger, wiser, healthier, better looking.

(Audience laughing)

Our daughter Alexandria had a copy of our first book from 10 years ago the other day and a copy of my newest book. She was comparing the pictures on the cover. She said, wow Daddy you look better today than you did 10 years ago. I said, what would you like me to buy you?

(Audience laughing)

But, do you know how many times I have said, I’m getting stronger, healthier,wiser? My youth is being renewed, like the eagles. Every time you say it, you’re moving toward it.

(Audience clapping)

But, if you’re always saying man I’m so out of shape, I’ll never lose this weight,you’removing toward the wrong thing. A gentleman told me last week, he looked to be about 70, Joel when you get old it’s all downhill. That was his say so. He was declaring; I’m going down. He was calling in poor health, lack of vision, hard of hearing. If he keeps that up then he’ll keep moving toward it. By the way he looked, he’d already been saying it for a long time.

(Audience laughing)

And I realize we’re all going to get old, we’re all eventually going to die. But don’t make plans to go downhill. Don’t start speaking defeat over your life.

(Audience clapping)

Moses was 120 years old, and the Scripture says his eye was not dim, his natural strengthwas not abated. 120, Healthy, strong, 20/20 vision, didn’t wear glasses, wasn’t wearing a help I’ve fallen, and I can’t get up button around his chest.

(Audience laughing)

He had a clear memory, a strong, sharp mind.I know I’m going to get a letter on that one, but…

(Audience laughing)

Here’s what I’m saying. In spite of how you feel, in spite of what’s been passed down in your family line, every day you need to declare: Everything about me is getting better and better. My bones, my joints, my ligaments, my blood, my organs, my memory, my vision, my hearing, my talent, my looks, my skill, my skin, (Audience clapping)

My youth is being renewed.

Like Moses, I will finish my course with my eye not dimmed, with my natural strength not abated. You talk like that; you’re moving towardrenewed youth. Health, energy, vitality. That’s a lot better than getting up in the morning, looking in the mirror and saying, oh man I’m getting so old, look at these wrinkles, look at how bad I look, this grey hair, I’m so out of shape. You keep moving toward that and in 5 years it’s going to be scary.

(Audience laughing)

You need to have a better say so. Don’t talk about the way you are, talk about the way you want to be. You are prophesying your future. Maybe you’re in a difficult time today. Instead of just complaining, that’s going to draw in more defeat. Your declaration should be I have grace for this season. I am strong in the Lord. Those that are for me are greater than those that are against me.

When you say that strength comes, courage comes, competence comes, and endurance comes. You go through a disappointment, a bad break, a loss. I don’t know how this has happened to me Joel, it’s so unfair. That’s just going to draw in more self-pity. Yourdeclaration should be God promised me beauty for ashes, joy for mourning. I’m not staying here, I’m moving forward. New beginnings are in my future. The rest of my life will be the best of my life. You talk like that, and you’re moving toward double for your trouble. You’re moving away from self-pity and toward God’s goodness in a new way.

One of the best things we can do is take a few minutes every morning and make these positivedeclarations over our lives. Write down not only your goals, your dreams, your vision, but make a list of any area you want to improve in. Anything you want to see change. Put that list on your bathroom mirror; somewhere private. Before you leave the house, take a couple of minutes and declare that over your life.

In other words, if you struggle with your self-esteem, feeling less than, you need to declare every day I am confident, I am valuable, I am one of a kind, I have royal blood flowing through my veins, I am wearing a crown of favor, I am a child of God. When you declarethat, and you’ll go out with your shoulders back, with your head held high.

You struggle with your weight. Declare, I am in shape. I am healthy, I am full of energy; I weigh what I should weigh. It may not be true right now, but you keep saying it and you’re going to move toward it.

Instead of living guilty, condemned, focused on past mistakes, no, declare I am forgiven. I am redeemed. I am wearing a robe of righteousness. God is pleased with me. See, the Scripture says let the weak say I’m strong. It doesn’t say, let the weak talk about the weakness, discuss the weakness, call 5 friends and discuss the weakness. You cannot talk defeat and expect to have victory. You can’t talk sickness and expect to have health. You can talk lack and struggle and expect to have abundance. You’ve got to sing your words out in the direction you want your life to go.

When you’re in your life, and someone asks you how you’re doing, don’t go through a sad song of everything that’s wrong in your life. Oh man, my back’s been hurting, traffic’s so bad out today, the boss isn’t treating me right, the dishwasher broke, dog died, all that’s going to do is turn in more defeat. Turn it around and have a report of victory. How are you doing? I’m blessed, I’m healthy, I’mprosperous. I have the favor of God.

(Audience clapping)

What you consistently talk about you’re moving toward. Proverb 6 says we are snared by the words of our mouth. Could it be that if you simply change what you are saying, you would see as dream comes to pass, a breakthrough, healing, restoration.

That’s what happened to a friend of mine. She had smoked cigarettes from an early age. She’d tried again and again, but she just couldn’t stop. She was constantly saying I’ll never break this addiction, it’s too hard and even if I do I know I will gain so much weight.This went on for years. One day someone told her what I’m telling you, to change what she was saying. To call things that were not as if they were. She started saying, I don’t like to smoke, I can’t stand the taste of nicotine, I’m going to quit and not gain any extra weight.

She said that day after day. Even when she was smoking and enjoying it, she would say I can’t stand to smoke. She wasn’t talking about the way she was, she was talking about the way she wanted to be. Three months later, one morning she noticed the cigarette tasted funny, almost bitter. She thought she got a bad pack. It got worse and worse. Several months later it had gotten so bad she couldn’t stand it anymore. She stopped smoking and do you know she never gained one extra pound. Today she’s totally free. She broke that addiction in part by the power of her words. She prophesied her future.

And some of you, like her, have spent years saying negative things over your life. I can’t break this addiction, Joel. My marriage is never going to make it. I’ll never get out of debt. No, you’ve got to send your words out. You’re prophesying the wrong things. Get in the habit of saying these positive things over your life. Every day declare that your dreams are coming to pass. It’s not enough to just believe it. Nothing happens until you speak.Like the Solomon, when you say of the Lord, God will say what he promised.

Let me lead you in a few of these declarations today. Say it like you mean it: I am blessed. I am prosperous. I am strong. I am healthy. I am talented. I am creative. I am competent. I am secure. I am disciplined. I am focused. I am attractive. I am well liked. I have a good personality. The right people are in my future. The right opportunities are headed my way. I will accomplish my dreams. I will overcome every obstacle. 2013 is my year. Things have shifted in my favor. God is about to show me something that I’ve never seen. It’s going to be bigger, better,greaterthan I ever imagined. I am the redeemed of the Lord, and I say so today, in Jesus’ name. Amen and Amen.

(Audience clapping)

We never like to close our broadcasts without giving you the opportunity to make Jesus the Lord of your life. Would you pray with me? Just say, Lord Jesus. I repent of my sins. Come into my heart. I’ll make you my Lord and Savior.

Friends, if you prayed that simple prayer, I reallybelieve you got born again. Get in a good Bible-based church. Keep God in first place. He’s going to take you places that you’ve never dreamed of.

(Announcer speaks)

Joel and Victoria would like to send you a copy of the new series “Now Faith” as a thank-you for your support of our ministry. In this encouraging, three-message series, Joel helps you develop a mindset of faith and expectation. It’s great to have faith for tomorrow, but God wants you to have faith for what you’re facing right now.

You have been given a measure of faith, but it’s up to you to put it into action.


It’s good to have faith for the future, but God wants to do something great in your life right now. Are you expecting good breaks today? There has to be an expectancy that something good is going to happen. Not next week, not next month, but today, is your day.


When you have this Now Faith, you’ll see God do amazing things. I hope you’ll request this resource. I know it will be a great help to you.


To request your copy of “Now Faith,” visit us at or call 888-567-JOEL today.

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